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bbcnews in december of 2011

  • 创建者:frankbest
  • 创建时间:2011-11-02 21:18
  • 修改时间:2011-11-10 19:23
  • 介绍:作为有名的电台的bbc的新闻英语是学习英语很好的工具,也是练习听力的绝佳选择,只要坚持听bbc,并能每次对于听到的内容再理解方面有所进步,就能收到很好的效果。
  • 关键词: bbc,news,英语学习,常速英语,英语听力,英式英语
浏览量:3605 收藏量:3 分享量:1
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  • 共8个文档
doc bbcnews20111106
Banking shares have fallen in a number of markets amid continuing fears about the impact of the eurozone debt crisis. In London, shares in two partly sta..
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-06 19:44
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doc bbcnews20111107
The decision by the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to call a referendum on last week´s European Union aid package has drawn a shocked reacti..
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-07 13:51
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doc bbcnews20111108
The Arab League says Syria has agreed to its proposals to bring an end to the violence which has racked the country for the past seven months. The appar..
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-09 21:35
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doc bbcnews20111103
At least 75 people have been killed in South Sudan in an attack on a town in oil-rich Unity state. It´s the worst such violence since independence in J..
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-03 16:26
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doc bbcnews20111105
The traditional marriage vows made by couples on their wedding day contain a promise to stay together "until death us do part."
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-05 22:03
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doc bbcnews20111102
BBC News with David AustinThe International Criminal Court in The Hague says it´s had indirect contact with Colonel Gaddafi´s son Saif al-Islam Gadd..
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-02 19:32
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doc bbcnews in 2011
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-10-31 22:31
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doc bbcnews20111101
The French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said it was an error to admit Greece into the euro in 2001. Mr Sarkozy told French television that Greece sh..
  • 上传人: frankbest
  • 2011-11-02 19:27
  • 0
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