


Chinese New Year's day, we at home the next day to discuss where to go. Because these days the weather is clear, sunny, cloudless, and we unanimously decided to go to picnic in the mountains. So, we have informed Yidie Aunt them, ready to picnic the next day when the dumpling skin, meat, condiments and bowls, chopsticks, pots and so on. The next day, we are mighty walked to the hill.

After a lengthy one hour, we finally boarded the summit. Then, we started the division of labor: Yidie had to base lesions, aunts dumplings, some of our kids went to the collection of firewood. A moment later, a good stove base, and great people to immediately lift the pan up, doped Sheung Shui. This is, Chai has Picking is running out, we started to light a fire. Fire is getting bigger wang, the boil was the dark. 3 Yidie saw, and said humorously: "with a small double (my nickname) is the same as black." Listening to other people, have a laugh. Moment, dumplings have been wrapped, and five aunt carrying his dumplings to the pot was about to fall, the three Yidie looking dumplings, and shook his head and said: "The package was too fat, and nothing like the small pairs only skinny monkey." Once again, other people laugh, I laugh again and good gas, not help then added: "with the same glowing three-Yi Die." Other people laugh even more fiercely.

I do not know how long before, dumplings cooked in. We are holding a bowl of Wai in the pot next to desperately grab dumplings. I finally grabbed one, is to eat, they were snatched his brother.

爱上海After eating dumplings, we discovered that the sky late and had to leave here, reluctantly go to the house to the direction。



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